I had a day off work. I promised myself I would write and I was so looking forward to it. Today when I should have been writing:-
I made 3 trips to the train station to drop off and pick up teen age children.
Baked choc chip cookies with son number 4.
Discovered the cat had been shut in the bathroom and peed on the bathmat. (Why does cat pee smell so bad?)
Stripped the bathroom (threw out the mat) mopped the floor and …
Put through 3 loads of washing, brought in another 3 loads of washing (still not sorted and put away).
Went shopping with daughter number one and we set the world to rights over coffee.
Then daughter number two turned up and we had to set the world to rights, too.
The I opened my mail and discovered this …

My wonderful publishers, SOLARIS, have done a promo for the King Rolen’s Kin trilogy on the back of the 2000AD comic. You know that line from the Dr Hook ‘Wanna get my Picture on the cover of Rolling Stone!’
Well this is not quite that but it is awfully close. Feeling really inspired despite the cat!