What’s just as nice as winning an Aurealis Award?
Being approached by the lovely people over at PodCastle to do a podcast of the story. (You can find the Podcast of The Giant’s Lady here) A big thank you to the team at PodCastle and to Barry Haworth for going that extra mile to get the pronunciations right.
And it is great to see PodCastle supporting Australian writers by doing an Aurealis Awards series of pod casts. Go Aussie Authors!
‘The Giant’s Lady’ was published in Legends 2, edited by Ian Whates, Stories in Honor of David Gemmell. It was a thrill when Ian asked me to submit a story for this anthology and now I hope new readers will be able to connect with the story via the podcast.
Warning: Technical Writerly Stuff and possible Spoiler Alert
When the story won the award the judges said they liked the unreliable narrator. This is interesting because I wasn’t trying to write an unreliable narrator. The narrator was trying to make sense of the world and the motivations of the people around him, just as we all do, all the time. Sometimes we misinterpret other people’s motivations.
Here’s the anthology, along with the Aurealis Award.

Legends 2, where ‘The Giant’s Lady’ appears, and the actual Aurealis Award for best fantasy short story