Opportunity for Writers

For all the aspiring writers out there, the Scribe Fiction Prize has come around again. The prize money this year is $15,000.

‘Last year’s winner, A Darker Music by Maris Morton, will be in bookstores everywhere this October. The other shortlisted manuscripts (Meg Mundell’s Black Glass and Jane Sullivan’s Little People) will also be released by Scribe in 2011.’


Filed under Competitions, Nourish the Writer, Publishing Industry

World Con, Again

Nightmare Ball Participants, photographed by Cat Sparks

See my How to Survive a World Con post over at the Solaris When Gravity Fails blog.

And remember it is written tongue-in-cheek!

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Filed under Fun Stuff

Thanks to Jessica

Thanks to Jessica who set up this promo for KRK in the bookshop where she works. World’s Biggest Bookstore Canada.

And here is the interview on SciFiFanLetter blogspot. Always a pleasure to talk to someone who loves books!


Filed under Fantasy books, SF Books, Specialist Bookshops, Writing craft

I’m Baaaack …

From the World SF Con held in Melbourne over the weekend. Before that I did a ROR (critiuqing 3 books) and before that I did a week or more marking. Brain is a little fried, so this will be a short post.

First my Kaffeeklatsch was held first thing on Thursday morning. A big thank you to Michelle from Colorado who saw my (Please won’t someone come to my Kaffeeklatsch? I don’t want to be sitting at a table all alone – post on the Mad Genius Club blog). Also a big thank you to Elini from the Paranormal Romance girls who heeded my cry for help. We ended up having a great chat while I was waiting for the airport bus on the last day I was in Melbourne. And thank you to Kathryn from Galaxy Books who dropped by with her purple camera. We had a great chat about Buffy. I mean, there is so much to talk about with that show.

Then Sarah (who I will always think of as Callisto Shampoo because of her tag name) grabbed me and I sat in on her KaffeeKlatsch, met some lovely ladies. Satima is always a sharp eyed but sweet. And the two ladies from the US, Judith and her companion (sorry brain really is fried, can’t remember your name). We got onto the subject of women in SF and there was no stopping us. Rosie was also there but I can’t remember where.

So a big thank you to you all. Now I really must catch up with my emails. More later!


Filed under Nourish the Writer, Publishing Industry, Readers

Going No Posts for a While

A change is as good as a holiday and I really need to recharge my batteries!

I’m flying off to Melbourne on Sunday and won’t be back until after World Con. While I’m down there I’m going cold turkey on the Internet, no Twitter, no Facebook, and no Blogging (have scheduled posts for the Mad Genius Club because the others can answer) but there will be no posts here.

When I do get back I promise lots of interesting insights. Over on the ROR blog I’ve done a post about what will be happening while I’m in Melbourne.

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Filed under creativity, The Writing Fraternity

Drop by and say Hi

On Saturday the 28th of August, I’m going to be at Logan North Library so drop by and say Hi.

I’ll be with the romantic by cynical Trent Jamieson, author of Death Most Definite, the pocket rocket Kylie Chan, author of the Dark Heaven series, the lovely Louise Cusack author and mentor, and Anthony Puttee author of the Johnny Marsh books.

We’ll be talking about promoting your books and this is all part of Logan North Library’s month of Speculative Fiction. So you are sure to see Darth Vader and a Storm Trouper or two!


Filed under Australian Writers, Dark Urban Fantasy, Fantasy books, Fun Stuff, Genre, Mentoring, Promoting Friend's Books, Publishing Industry, Specialist Bookshops, The Writing Fraternity

Coffee and a chat

If you are coming to World Con and you’d like to share a coffee with me, or any of the fabulous authors who are there, here is the link to the World Con KoffeeKlatsche page. It’s a chance to talk about books, the publishing industry, writing and anything that interests you.

Coffee makes the World go Around … the World go Around … sung to the tune of Money Makes the World go Around from Cabaret!


Filed under Fantasy books, Fun Stuff, Genre, Publishing Industry, Writing craft

Weird and Fascinating things …

Okay, I should be preparing for my panels at World SF Con, but I am writing a blog post about Weird and Fascinating things.

I came across this – a Dutch photographer who finds glitches in computer games and turns them into art – in the sense that when you stop and look at them they are fascinating and they seem to say something about the human condition. His name is Robert Overweg.

Here is one of his photos from Grand Theft Auto, where he found a way to slide under the world and look up at it.

Here is an article on him and some of his work. There is a dreamlike quaility to his work. Since I find the world a fascinating place anyway, I love this kind of thing, a segue into surrealism!

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Filed under creativity, Fun Stuff, The World in all its Absurdity

The Writing Process

Or how I clean the house when I get stuck in my current WIP (Work-in-Progress).

No, seriously, I did a post about the writing process and, among other things, how rewriting over a word document means we lose the record of the stages a book goes through as it evolves.

See The Writing Process here.

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Filed under Writing craft

Kings, Five of a kind!

Over at the SOLARIS blog they are doing a give-away.

‘In honour of the releases of Paul Kearney‘s The Monarchies of God omnibuses (Hawkwood and the Kings, out now, and Century of the Soldier, due out next month) and Rowena Cory Daniells‘ The Chronicles of King Rolen’s Kin trilogy (The King’s Bastard and The Uncrowned King, out now, and The Usurper, due out next month), we’re holding an all-kings-themed competition.’

All you have to do is name your favourite king. So drop over and try your luck!

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Filed under Book Giveaway, Fantasy books, Fun Stuff, Genre, Promoting Friend's Books