Who wants a little boredom????

Okay, who wants a little boredom?

I’d like there to be days when nothing unexpected happens. No more excitement, no cars breaking down, no hot water systems blowing up and definitely no children being mugged and bashed (he’s OK).

I’d like to be able to get up, do all the stuff that needs to be done to run a large family and meet my obligations, and then have the mental space to let story ideas brew.

I think you need a bit of boredom for creativity to happen. Sure, you input stimulus, you read true-life accounts, read history, listen to people talk etc, but there has to be this quiet time, when it all just simmers away in your brain making connections and suddenly, out of the blue (or gold) there’s this idea that just demands to be written.

So, yeah, I want a little boredom. I think it’s good for creativity. Remember when you were a kid and your summer holiday stretched for ever?

I want that feeling back again.


Filed under creativity, Fun Stuff, Nourish the Writer

Fancy becoming a hobbit?

According to BBC New Entertainment & Arts, Peter Jackson is looking for short people to play hobbits in the movie of the same name. (Following on from yesterday’s post ‘hobbit’ is another word created by an author that has made it into the Oxford dictionary).

So if you are a keen on the hobbit or film making, here’s an opportunity to do both. When watching the special features on Lord of the Rings (extended version) the one thing that came through clearly was how dedicated everyone behind the scenes was to getting the film just right. Clearly it was a life changing experience for many and they were sorry when the making of the films was over.

There just aren’t enough opportunities for creative people to work on something great.

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Filed under creativity, Fun Stuff, Genre, Movies & TV Shows, The World in all its Absurdity

You know you’ve made it when …

As a writer, you know you’ve made it  when one of your invented words ends up in the Oxford Dictionary. eg.

(Photo from Nova Albion Steampunk Exhibition)

Here’s the Oxford Dictionary definitnon of Steampunk (See here for the origin of the word)

My definition of Steampunk – A reason to wear really cool costumes and celebrate intricate and elegant machinery from a time when things were not designed to wear out in 2 years to force you to buy the next model.

See my article on the Allure of Steampunk here.

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Filed under Fun Stuff, Genre, Steampunk, Story Arc

My book trailer

If you like the book trailer my (long suffering) husband did for King Rolen’s Kin you may like to drop by this site and vote for it. (You vote in the side bar).



Filed under Book trailers, Fantasy books, Fun Stuff, Genre, Publishing Industry

Pratchett Insight

I came across a blog post on Pratchett’s books which says, much more eloquently, how I feel about his works. Here’s where you can find the full post.

‘Pratchett’s use of dwarfs, trolls, vampires and numerous other species as denizens of the Discworld epitomizes this. They started off as standard fantasy archetypes, reflecting the earlier Discworld novels’ genesis as a parody of fantasy cliché, but as the series progressed, they are developed into people, so that readers forget they have rocky hides for skin or fangs’

I love the way Pratchett uses the fantasy world to make us look at ourselves. Fantasy is the perfect medium for this. I did my Masters on Discrimination and Persecution in Fantasy Books. When you take a reader into an invented world and give them a character to identify with, they feel what the character feels (if you’ve engaged the reader).

So, I raise a glass of cyber champers to Terry. By the way that is an excellent cover.

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Filed under Covers, Fantasy books, Genre, Readers, The World in all its Absurdity

Writers are weird

Found this on writers and just had to share it. Apparently there is something going around about why dating a writer is a good idea. And this person has added to it. The original is in blod.

My two favourites are below:

  1. Writers are really passionate. About writing. Not necessarily about you. Are you writing?
  2. Writers can think through their feelings. So don’t start an argument unless you’re ready for a very, very lengthy explication of our position, our feelings about your position, and what scenes from our recent fiction the whole thing is reminding us of.

My long suffering husband will vouch for the fact that he has taken me out to dinner only to realise that my head is in a book.

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Filed under Fun Stuff, The World in all its Absurdity, The Writing Fraternity

More on SF World Con

Over at the ROR blog, Leanne C Taylor has shared her insight with us after attending a World Con for the first time. Unlike me, she approached it very seriously, took her lap top to panels and made notes.

Now we can all benefit from her diligence …

Thanks, Leanne!

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Filed under Conventions, Fun Stuff, Genre

More Bookplates for Friends

The people over at Twelfth Planet Press have produced a lovely anthology of my friend, Marianne de Pierres’ stories called Glitter Rose. So I’ve produced a lovely bookplate for Marianne.

‘The Glitter Rose stories are set against the background of Carmine Island (an island reminiscent of Stradbroke Island, Queensland) where a decade ago spores from deep in the ocean blew in, by a freak of nature, and settled on the island. These spores bring fierce allergies to the inhabitants of the island. And maybe other, more sinister effects. As we follow Tinashi’s journey of moving to and settling into island life, we get a clearer picture of just what is happening on Carmine Island.’

And here is Marianne with her books at World Con.

So if you like surreal sensual stories set in our world with a tiwst, take a look at Marianne’s Glitter Rose.

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Filed under Australian Writers, Covers, Fantasy books, Indy Press, Promoting Friend's Books


I tweeted about this, then I thought I better blog so I can tell the whole story. (How can a writer restrict themselves to 140 characters?)

A while ago I put my car in for a service. I think that’s when the spide climbed in. Two days later I was driving my teenage son to school when the son in the front seat said:

‘I hate to tell you this, Mum, but there’s a spider crawling up your arm.’ (Very dry, he is).

I looked down, and sure enough there was a great big huntsman spider at elbow height crawling up my arm. I was doing 100Ks on a back road but I did not swerve madly. I kept my cool and pulled over, even though my heart nearly leapt out of my throat.

As soon as I stopped the car, both my teenage sons jumped out and left me with the spider, which by now was on my shoulder. I unbuckled my seat beat, tore off my shirt and shook it outside the car. (Don’t worry I was wearing a man’s shirt to protect my arms from the sun while I drove). Needless to say, I did not put the shirt back on.

When it was safe, my brave boys climbed back into the car and I finished driving them around.

Two days later, I was driving my daughter to the shops after dark, telling her the story, when she suddenly stopped laughing and pointed to a corner of the front windscreen.

‘What’s that?’

‘I’m not falling for that,’ I told her.

But she wasn’t kidding.  The spider had been in the car for another two days. She was much braver than my teenage sons. She opened the door, while I grabbed the shirt and we put the spider out.

Which just goes to show you that the sterotype of women and spiders is not always accurate.


Filed under The World in all its Absurdity

Conquest … (cue the suitably dramatic music)

In October I will be  a guest at the Conquest 2010 Convention. For info on Conquest see here.

There will be:

  • Fan Auction
  • Panels
  • Discussions
  • Competitions
  • On-the-Spot Quizzes and Prizes
  • Separate Dealers’ Room
  • Saturday Night Dinner Event

And for those of you who were at the World Con panel on Pitching and asked when I was doing a workshop, I will be running one on the Sunday at 2pm. So feel free to rock up.

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Filed under Conventions, Fantasy books, Genre, Movies & TV Shows, Nourish the Writer, Pitching your book, The Writing Fraternity, Writing craft