Refreshing the Brain

I’ve been marking assignments solidly all this week, when I would much rather have been working on The Outcast Chronicles (the trilogy I have to hand in early next year). Twelve hour days of marking leaves me feeling mentally drained. So what do I do to revive myself?

I feed my brain with beautiful images. I have books on art. Here’s some of my faves:

The pre raphaelites. I have several books on them and when the TV series came out I looked forward to every episode. It didn’t worry me that they played around with the timeline. I felt they’d captured the essence of the group. (Having lived as a passionate young artist with a group of artists the TV  series made me laugh). Such romantics and the women are so beautiful …

John Willian Waterhouse,  Lady of Shallot

John Everett Millais, Mariana.

Leyendecker’s art. You know how you see a piece of art by someone and it stays with you and it might be years later before you discover that artist again and work out who he is and where he fits into the  world of art? Maybe you don’t if you’ve grown up with the internet. But before that, when I was a child, I’d glimpse an image somewhere and it might be years before I was able to put a name to the artwork. My husband bought me a book on Leyendecker.  So stylish.

And one more because I can’t resist …

Of course I have more favourite artists. I’m a visual person. If I go to the art gallery, I come out  feeling like I’m walking on air. Other writers I know play music. Many will have a selection of music that they play specifically when writing a certain book or a series. I collect images which float around in my mind as I write.

Are you a music person or an image person?


Filed under creativity, Inspiring Art, Nourish the Writer

King Rolen’s Kin Book 4

I’d like to thank all the people who’ve contacted me about the fourth book in the Chronicles of King Rolen’s Kin. A writer spends years developing the world of a series. They dedicate themselves to the characters. They devote themselves to the plot. And then they send their books out into the world, hoping someone will get as much of a buzz from the stories as they do.

It makes my day, when readers come looking for KRK 4.

The good news is that I have heaps of ideas for another three books. The bad news for KRK readers is that I have to hand in a new fantasy series – The Outcast Chronicles –  before I can tackle the new KRK books.

But once I have handed the new series in to my publisher, I’ll be free to take a journey to Rolencia and find out what happens to Byren, Piro and Fyn.


Filed under Characterisation, creativity, Fantasy books, Nourish the Writer

Pssst, want to hang out with some writers …

Come to Victoria Point Angus and Robertson bookstore this Saturday, 11 am. (This is Brisbane, Queensland, Australia).

I’ll be there along with the cute, but canny Kylie Chan.

One of life’s true romantics, Trent Jamieson.

And the effervescent Marianne de Pierres (who moonlights as Marianne Delacourt).

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Filed under Australian Writers, Dark Urban Fantasy, Fantasy books, Fun Stuff, Promoting Friend's Books, Readers, SF Books, Specialist Bookshops, The Writing Fraternity

Prejudice is alive and well …

Book one of King Rolen’s Kin has been given a one-star review on Amazon because it has a gay character in it. Orrie is loyal and smart and one of my favourite characters.

Here’s the link.

I feel honoured.  Now if I can only get the book banned!


Filed under Characterisation, creativity, Fantasy books, The World in all its Absurdity

Drive-by Post

If anyone has been following me on Twitter they’ll know I’ve been ridiculously busy.

Sick family, work, filling in for people sick at work and renovating on top of that. We pulled up the vinyl in half of the bottom floor over the weekend and filled 3 cubic metre skip with rubbish. Plus I am trying to complete The Outcast Chronicles to hand in early next year!

But I did see a sign that really appealed to me.

Sigh, now if only everyone was as rational.

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Filed under creativity, Fun Stuff, The World in all its Absurdity

My book’s been released into the wild …

I came across Bookcrossing a couple of years ago, when I attended the Aurealis Awards in Brisbane and someone ‘released’ a Doctor Who book into the wild. I found it nestling on my car windscreen, took it home and adopted it. Much later I released it to a secondhand book shop where I’m sure it made lots of friends before being adopted by a reader. (Not a true bookcrossing, but my version of it).

Apparently the third book of my King Rolen’s Kin trilogy, The Usurper, has been released into the wild in Spain. The ‘releaser’ (if there is such a term says):

‘a good end to a fantasy series that kept me enthralled and I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. The political plots, the hidden agendas, the magic, it all makes this an interesting tale of good, bad, and all that lies in between. ‘ (see more here)

I hope my book finds a good home …


Filed under Fantasy books, Fun Stuff, The World in all its Absurdity

Currently watching …

When I heard they were doing a contemporary Sherlock Holmes I thought, Oh dear …

But I was wrong. Delightfully, wrong.

Apart from Sherlock looking like he’s twelve (sigh, why does everyone look so young now days?), the show is a delight.

My favourite line so far would have to be in episode one where someone accuses Holmes of being a killer and he says, ‘Nonsense, I’m a high functioning sociopath.’ Or words to that effect.

The show had just the right tone for me. Haven’t laughed so much in ages!

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Filed under Characterisation, Fun Stuff, Genre, Movies & TV Shows

The agony and the ecstacy of writing …

My publishers have asked me to encapsulate my new trilogy, The Outcast Chronicles, in 100 to 150 words for each book. Gahhhh

They need this for the cover artist, for the book stores, or the back cover blurb etc. But these books are 100,ooo to 150,000 words. I know the characters intimately and all the twists and turns of the plots. Encapsulating the books in 150 words is so hard its painful.

This is an amusing irony, because I teach how to write a synopsis and how to pitch your books. When pitching your book you need to do the ‘elevator pitch’ that means you need to encapsulate the core of your book in 25 words or less.

Here goes:

This is a story about a tribe of mystics who are persecuted in their own land and banished. It’s about how they struggle to find a new home.

Terrible, I know. I have to talk about the people. Because we want to hear about someone we can care about. Another try:

Imoshen didn’t want to lead her people into exile. She didn’t want to battle the brotherhood leaders for this dubious honour but she needed to make sure her children were safe.

Not bad, could do better. Sigh.

Will keep trying.


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Filed under creativity, Fantasy books, Fun Stuff, Genre, Writing craft

Drop by and say Hi …

Marianne, Trent, Kylie and I will be at the Victoria Point Angus and Robertson Bookstore on Saturday the 13th of November. Here’s the link.

It’ll be an informal chat about books and writing. Drop by and say Hi!

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Filed under Australian Writers, Promoting Friend's Books, Readers, Specialist Bookshops

Obssessive moi?

Something Trudi Canavan tweeted about trying to keep track of multiple narrative threads made me look at what I was doing. I’m in the middle of cleaning up The Outcast Chronicles trilogy. They are big FAT fantasy books with multiple narrative threads that weave in and out.

Because I work and have 6 kids, I’m constantly interrupted and the only way I can keep track of the story is to keep a document open on my second screen that covers the book chapter by chapter, scene by scene with a note of whose VP the scene is in and a sentence about each scene. To make sure I’m not neglecting a narrative thread I colour code the narratives.

This way I can see at a glance if a character is getting too much time on centre stage.

The thing is, when I devised this method I caught myself trying to colour code the narratives based on the personality of the characters, because colours have personalities don’t you know. (Synaesthesia, anyone?)

There, proof that writers are weird.


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Filed under creativity, Fantasy books, The World in all its Absurdity, Writing craft