Winner Glenda Larke Give-away!

Glenda has very genrously offered the wnner of her give-away a choice of one of her three tilogies! She says:

Thank you everyone, for your comments! And thanks to Rowena for having me over.

To Lexie, the book I am working on at the moment is set in an imaginary world, but it is very much based on historical fact (with added magic!), lots of adventure, and yes – with pirates. Only back in those days, it was called “privateering”. It’s all about the name…

Kaaron – it’s certainly world scale. It covers “Europe” to “South-east Asia”.  And oh, I wish I could fix the world. I’ve spent a life-time trying, but I don’t see much improvement! (Now, if I only had a few magical powers…)

Cecilia – not sure I could write a romance and pull it off.  I really admire how writers like Nora Roberts can write so many books and still produce love scenes that sound fresh…but it’s just not me.  Hunky fae, now…hmmm.

Thoraiya and Brendan – I’m hoping a Malaysian author will write the urban Malaysian fantasy. There are a couple of very talented woman writers up here who are on track to do just that. I’ll keep you posted. Problem with fantasy standalones is getting publishers for them. In Australia, that is especially difficult, unless it’s paranormal. The trilogy I am working on has the second book placed in a 17th century spice trade Asian setting…lots of skullduggery and Asian fantasy stuff going on, with a mix of European and Asian protagonists. Villains and heroes from both sides. Can’t wait!

And the winner of the free book is Tsana, because she had a number of thoughtful comments on what I should write next!

Tsana, please email Glenda on


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Filed under Australian Writers, Book Giveaway, Fantasy books, Female Fantasy Authors, Fun Stuff

Back from Sydney Supanova

This time last week I was sitting at the Dymock’s store at Supanova surrounded by wonderful costumes and fellow writers trying desperately to talk. I have my voice back, but I’m still suffering with the ‘flu. Can’t hear properly and it’s been almost a week since I flew home. Here I am with my amazing pull-up behind me. Clint Langley‘s artwork came up really well. Made people stop and take a second look

Was wonderful to catch up with Marianne de Pierres, Alison Goodman, Kate Forsyth and Jennifer Fallon. Also met up with Kevin J Anderson and Rebecca Moesta, who I’d met at the Brisbane Writers Festival a couple of years ago. It is nice to get away with fellow writers and talk shop, everything from career moves and publishing industry to writing craft. Although I didn’t do much talking. Very frustrating. Here we are all lined up for the obligatory photo with the storm troopers!

You couldn’t be bored. There were comic artists, manga artists and lots of amazing costumes. People who’d bought the KRK trilogy at other Supanovas came by to chat.

One girl told me, I bought your books in Melbourne. You said they’d keep me up all night and I thought you were just saying that, but they did. I finished all three in three days!

I wonder if she got any sleep.

The nice thing about Supanova is that when I was growing up there were hardly any TV shows with a spec fic theme, Lost in Space, I Dream of Jeanie and Bewitched spring to mind. It wasn’t until Star Wars in 1977 that the genre I loved started to become mainstream. Back in those days there was definitely a sense of them and us. We were the fans and everyone else thought we were crazy. Now, every second TV show has elements of paranormal/SF and no one thinks anything of it. So a pop culture event like Supanova can attract crowds of between 10 to 25 thousand. People turn up in costume and they feel like they fit right in.

Thinking of wearing a costume to Supanova? Here’s some inspiration.


Had to miss the Perth Supanova, my work load, the ‘flu and the cost made it impossible, but I’m looking forward to the more Supanovas in future. Maybe I’ll see you there.


Filed under Australian Writers, Comics/Graphic Novels, Conventions, Female Fantasy Authors, Fun Stuff, Genre, Inspiring Art, Nourish the Writer, Readers, The World in all its Absurdity, The Writing Fraternity

Winner of CE Murphy Give-away!

CE Murphy says:

Sorry about the wait, deadlines and life got in the way. I like “Cecilia”, who wanted to go either to Pompeii (and hope the volcano hadn’t already erupted!) or Queen Victoria.

Cecilia, please email CE on …



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Filed under Book Giveaway, Dark Urban Fantasy, Female Fantasy Authors

Meet Glenda Larke …

As the next of my series featuring fantastic female fantasy authors (see disclaimer) I’ve invited the talented and perceptive Glenda Larke to drop by.

Watch out for the give-away question at the end of the interview.






Q: You come from Western Australia originally. That’s a long way culturally from Malaysia where you now live. As a child growing up, did you long for something different?

Yes and no. I was a farm kid and I loved – and still love – the Australian landscape. But I made up my mind very young that I was going to travel – a lot. It was more just wanting to get out there and have a look: I never dreamed that life would conspire to keep me away so long. But I am coming back, for good, next year. It’s time!

Q: You are in involved in rain forest conservation and you post some wonderful photos on your blog. Do you find aspects of this come through in your writing?

Well, my desert transport was inspired by the unlikely example of rainforest millipedes! Every book has a hundred different ideas and they are often inspired by my travels, not just in the rainforest. An understanding of ecology, of how things fit together and are reliant on one another, is an excellent guide to world-building.

Q: Your first series was The Isle of Glory. I remember stumbling across your first book, The Aware and being blown away by your fresh voice. Do you think you will be exploring this world again?

Probably not. I find that after three books I want to do something new: new magic, new characters, new world. I reckon if I start something brand new, then my writing stays fresh and I feel rejuvenated.

Although I’m not going back to the Isles of Glory, I am visiting  another island archipelago in the trilogy I have just started to write. The middle book will be set on a tropical island. With spices and buccaneers and birds of paradise and general skulduggery. I have not managed to sell it yet, though…

And I am keen to go back to the Havenstar world – because I only ever wrote one book in that world! There’s room for more.

Q: I discovered The Mirage Makers when I was doing my Masters. It was particularly good timing as I was looking for books that explored the theme of discrimination. Do you consciously set out to explore themes, or do they creep up on you while you’re writing?

I’ve had it happen both ways. With The Mirage Makers the theme started as a combination of the Disappeared Ones of Argentina – when parents were murdered and the children adopted by the murderers and brought up to despise their parents’ politics – and the lost generation of Australian children, where Aboriginal children were forcibly removed from both their parents and their culture. So that was very deliberate, right from the beginning.

In The Isles of Glory, I set out to write a fantasy adventure, but themes crept in along the way.

Q: Your most recent trilogy is Watergivers. Like you, I can remember a time when our water came from a water tank. And we were only allowed an inch of brown water in the bath to wash. This trilogy sounds wonderful. ‘Ancient water tunnels, moving red dunes, singing sands, salt pans, settlements in dry water courses, waterpaintings, precious water.’ Do you find your books grow organically, or do you plan them?

Both. If I write a synopsis, then I often end up changing it substantially as I go along, especially by the time I get to book three. I keep on having better ideas! However, I think it is essential to know where you are going. If you don’t have an ending in mind, how can you push the story forward?

Q: I was prompted to start this series of interviews because there seems to be a perception in the US and the UK that fantasy is a bit of a boy’s club. Do you think there’s a difference in the way males and females write fantasy?

I do actually, although the moment you say something like that, someone else will find twenty different exceptions to the rule! However, let me take the plunge. I can’t imagine anyone but a male writer penning something like Joe Abercrombie’s The Blade Itself and the subsequent books set in that world. The level of violence and gore, the number and detail of the battles: it shrieks male author to me.

Women also write such scenes, but I think there is a subtle difference. In real life women tend to see victims as much as heroes when it comes to wars and fighting. And in fiction, the people who die are seen as more than just a body count to many (most?) female authors. Battle scenes written by a women always seem … sadder, more wrenching, and therefore less heroic, to me.

Women authors write epic fantasy just as well as men, but often differently, presenting more of the intimate and less of the big picture. Some male writers do this too, of course. In fact I’d say they do it more often than women write the more masculine heroic-scale story.

Have I said enough to earn myself a roasting in the comments yet?

Q: Following on from that, does the gender of the writer change your expectations when you pick up their book?

I think it does. And occasionally, of course, I am surprised. I’ve always been happy to read writers from any position along the gender spectrum, and it shocked me senseless when I was told that there were men who wouldn’t read women authors. I found it hard to believe that such extraordinary people existed. (I’m not kidding – I was absolutely astonished that there were men who happily wiped out half the human race from their reading. I guess I was once very naïve.)

Q: And here’s the fun question. If you could book a trip on a time machine, where and when would you go, and why?

One thing for sure, I’d never go too far into the future. I don’t want to know. And what if you transferred to 2100, for example – and the world had been wiped out by an asteroid in the meantime? And anyone who wants to go back in time ought to read Connie Willis to see all the things that can go wrong… Nah, no thanks.


Give-away Question:

What kind of fantasy (e.g. epic world-scale, rollicking adventure escapism, urban paranormal, romantic, historical, Havenstar world…) would you like me to write next and why?


Follow Glenda on Twitter:  @glendalarke

See Glenda’s Blog.

Find Glenda on GoodReads.

Find Glenda on Facebook.


Filed under Australian Writers, Book Giveaway, Characterisation, creativity, Fantasy books, Female Fantasy Authors, Genre, Writing craft

Winner Kylie Chan give-away!

Kylie says:

I think Lexie’s answer, where she vividly describes the advantage to being human in form – she won me over with that one! Being in the US isn’t a disadvantage. Shaun’s comment about the prejudice against women writers struck such a chord – it’s a big talking point right now – look at your own choice to honour the Russ pledge with this blog! I really liked Mary’s answer as well – she’s content to be what she is – and I’d like to give her a copy as well. So two winners – Lexie and Mary. And I’ll talk to my publicist about getting a review copy for Sean’s blog!

So email Kylie on kylie(at)kyliechan(dot)com  to organise this.


Filed under Book Giveaway, Fantasy books, Female Fantasy Authors, Fun Stuff, Genre

Winner of Jennifer Fallon’s Give-away!

While at Supanova in Sydney on the weekend I was seated next to Jennifer and I managed to pin her down about the give-away. (She’s had the last couple of months from hell with earthquakes and a deadline).

So Jennifer said to announce Mark Yannalunas as the winner. Mark, if you email me  <rowena(at)corydaniells(dot)come> I’ll pass your email along to Jennifer and she can organise your book for you.

Meanwhile, I happen to know that Jennifer’s next book will contain Ninja Fairies! So there’s a thought to conjure with!

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Filed under Australian Writers, Book Giveaway, Fantasy books, Female Fantasy Authors, Fun Stuff, Genre, Nourish the Writer

Meet Kylie Chan …

As the next of my series featuring fantastic female fantasy authors (see disclaimer) I’ve invited the talented Kylie Chan to drop by.

Watch out for the give-away question at the end of the interview.





Q: Your first book White Tiger came out in 2006. Your books have been on the best seller lists consistently since then. Why do you think they appeal so much to your readers?



Mainly, I think, because of the novelty. The Chinese mythology is a completely new set of stories to explore, with wonderful – and truly weird – characters. Many people have heard of the Monkey King but the overall philosophy and the way it fits together is fascinating. I’ve also tried to make the books a simple, straightforward and action-packed read, always fresh and never boring. It seems to have worked!

Q: There were three books in the Dark Heavens series, White Tiger
Red Phoenix, Blue Dragon’,
and another three in the Journey to Wudang sequel series, Earth to Hell, Hell to Heaven, Heaven to Wudang. When do you sleep?

What is this ‘sleep’ that you speak of? I am a mother. We learn the minute our first child is born that sleep is something that is precious and fleeting and truly wonderful. It doesn’t help my quest for sleep that I work best between midnight and three am – I tried to force-write book four, ‘Earth To Hell’, during the day and failed miserably – and that I have to get up at seven to get my daughter off to school. Unsurprisingly I’m ferociously productive during school holidays, when I can stay up as late as I like and sleep the morning away. This is a good thing, as I detest mornings anyway.

Q: The second series open 8 years after the first series finishes. You’ve been writing these characters since 2004 (?) now. Do they become like old friends?

Yes, they have become like old friends. Is there a line you cross? From where the characters are talking to each other, to where they are talking to you, and the men in white coats come to take you away? Maybe to be successful as an author you have to pass that line anyway. I know many of my family and friends suffer me with bemused tolerance and believe that I should have been carted off to the madhouse a long time ago. But then they all show up at my house and it’s a madhouse anyway.

 Q: In a post on the ROR site you talked about living in a different culture (you married a Chinese national and lived in Hong Kong for ten years) and how this gave you insight for your writing. Was it a bit of a culture shock to come back to Australia?

I can remember the first time I came back after being a while in Hong Kong – I was delighted at the signs. They were all in English! I was so accustomed to seeing signs in Chinese, or both languages, it was a cultural jolt.

Coming back for good has had some difficulties. There are a few really authentic provincial Chinese dishes that are simply not available here. I have an arrangement with the local Chinese restaurant to do one for me (steamed scallops on bean curd with black bean) but there’s no Chiu Chow Goose or Pepper Chicken here that’s really authentically well done. I miss the food!

Q: I was prompted to start this series of interviews because there seems to be a perception in the US and the UK that fantasy is a bit of a boy’s club. Do you think there’s a difference in the way males and females write fantasy?

I’d really love to say no but that would be lying. Male-written fantasy, particularly when done by those who are new to the craft, tends to include female characters that are two-dimensional cardboard cut outs. After a while the writer becomes aware that all his women are depicted as round smiling cooks, graceful noblewomen or buxom peasants, and he’ll add a kick-ass man-hating Amazon in a chain-mail bikini – for the hero to win over.

Women writers do the same thing when they’re starting out, but in my opinion they tend to write more rounded characters – both male and female. For them, the female characters are depicted as more realistic people. It doesn’t stop novice women from writing characters that are just as two-dimensional.

When a writer is at the peak of their craft, however, gender makes no difference whatsoever. It’s impossible to tell the difference between truly great prose written by men or women, and the characters have made the transition from being sock puppets to being real people.

Q: Following on from that, does the gender of the writer change your expectations when you pick up their book?

I’m ashamed to say that it does. I expect a book written by a man to be more plot-driven, and a book written by a woman to be more character-driven. This is a distressing revelation for me, I like to think I don’t pre-judge at all based on gender. Of course, since I like both types of novel, that’s the only expectation that I have; and whether it’s good or not is completely unrelated.

Q: And here’s the fun question. If you could book a trip on a time machine, where and when would you go, and why?

Only one trip? That is cruel beyond belief. The Roman Empire at its height – no wait, the Byzantine Empire at its height – no, classical Athens, when the Acropolis is being built – no, hold on, Renaissance Florence, can I go to Renaissance Venice at the same time? Renaissance Rome? China during the Qing! No, during the Tang. The Ming! Angkor Wat, when the city held a million people. No! The Incan civilization. Hold on, there’s all the future, too – Brisbane, a hundred years from now. Brisbane, a thousand years from now, and throw in the rest of the world while you’re at it. Oh, I give up, that question is way too hard. Just lend me the time machine, and I promise to bring it back in five minutes.


Give-away Question:

If you could be a Shen, would you be a human, a dragon, a stone, or some other sort of spirit, and why?

Follow Kylie on Twitter:  @kyliecchan

Catch up with Kylie on her blog.


Filed under Australian Writers, Book Giveaway, Dark Urban Fantasy, Fantasy books, Female Fantasy Authors, Fun Stuff, Genre, Promoting Friend's Books, The Writing Fraternity

Winner Kaaron Warren Give-away!

Kaaron has a copy of  The Walking Tree to give-away. She says:

Such inspiring responses! Part of the joy of book buying is the shared experience of a good read. Friends and I run the second hand book stall at our school fete, and we spend half the time recommending books we’ve found. One of my favourite days of the year.

I loved all the bookshop descriptions, but in the end chose Eleni, because I relate to her description of shelves that are not too high for short people!


Elini, please email Kaaron on kaaronwarren(at)hotmail(dot)com

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Filed under Australian Writers, Book Giveaway, Dark Urban Fantasy, Fantasy books, Female Fantasy Authors, Fun Stuff, Nourish the Writer

Give-away 2 e-books

Two of my short stories have been High Commended in World Best anthologies. I’ve decided to turn them into little e-books and give them away. Here’s the link.

‘Purgatory’ is one of my Social Engineer stories set in a near future Australia which is run by the Council of Social Engineers. According to them they live in the best of all possible worlds. It is social science fiction and explores questions of moral choice.

‘Suffer the Little Children’ is set in the late 1960s in a small Australian town. It is dark fantasy and it explores small town predjudices and the responsibilities of neighours.

This is the first time I’ve done this. Thank to my DH for doing the covers and putting the stories into e-book format. We’ve had a couple of friends with e-readers read them and they were working, so there shouldn’t be any problems. Hope you enjoy … or more accurately, hope they stories resonate with you and keep you thinking about the characters long after you finish them … muaahha ha ha …


Filed under Book Giveaway, Dark Urban Fantasy, Fantasy books, Genre, SF Books

Writing Update …

Over on the RWA blog Dark Side Downunder, I’ve been interviewed by Eleni. If you hope to write paranormal romance, this group are a great bunch, very supportive and lots of fun!

What am I doing right now? Sitting over my keyboard, writing the new KRK trilogy, while nursing a cold, wearing hobo gloves to keep warm. I have cups of hot tea and a box of tissues to help me get through the day. This is the not so glamorous side of a writer’s life.

You’ve heard the saying The Show must go on. Well, with we writers, The Book must go on!


Filed under creativity, Fantasy books