The Outcast Chronicles. 2012
‘Well-drawn characters, a ruthless streak to the plotting, weighty themes… pleasingly complex’
– SFX on Besieged
‘Exile is an excellent continuation of an intriguing series and Daniells is quickly becoming a must-read author… I wanted to pick up the final volume in the trilogy immediately.’
– A Fantastical Librarian on Exile
‘There are good books that you can appreciate and enjoy, then there are books that you will lose sleep over or have to get your significant other to hide from you so you can get work done. Besieged, for me is the latter. I found its story and Daniells’ writing tugging at my consciousness at every waking moment of the two days it took me to read it.’
– Adventures of a Bookonaut
‘Besieged – Without a doubt one of the best opening installments of a trilogy I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. The backdrop is absolutely beautiful, Daniels has created a brilliantly described world that’s incredibly easy to get lost in. …Everything you could ever ask for in a fantasy novel is here in abundance. ‘
– Mass Movement Magazine
‘Now that I’ve finished ‘Exile’ I can honestly say, hand on heart, that ‘The Outcast Chronicles’ has the potential to be, quite literally, the best trilogy I’ve picked up in a long time and if I didn’t have the final part, sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be read I’d be on my way to the nearest bookshop right now…’
– Mass Movement Magazine
‘Sanctuary – Daniells has delivered a stunning climax to the exile of the T’En race and all of the plotting, double crossing and back handed political machinations are tied up superbly. Not a single loose thread is left dangling, and each character finally has to deal the consequence of the choices they’ve made, some of which were made as far back as the beginning of the first novel, and everything is tied up brilliant in what has become one of the best trilogy’s I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading.
Daniells skills at character building and thus giving the reader a sense of emotional attachment to their lives is genuinely exceptional. Her ability to fit so much detail and action into one novel while making to simple enough to both follow and become completely engrossing are second to none.’
– Mass Movement Magazine
(Purchase Kindle – Purchase Solaris)
(Purchase Kindle – Purchase Solaris)
(Purchase Kindle – Purchase Solaris)
A fantasy-family saga, the characters are linked by blood, love and vows as they struggle with misplaced loyalties, over-riding ambition and hidden secrets which could destroy them. Some make desperate alliances only to suffer betrayal from those they trust, and some discover great personal strength in times of adversity.
Hello Rowena,
I’ve become a huge fan of the T’En trilogy by pure accident. I haven’t finished because it is depressingly hard to find The Shadow Kingdom anywhere in the world. I was wondering if the Outcast Chronicles are a precursor to the T’En trilogy.
btw, are there any places i can purchase The Shadow kingdom.
Hi Wai,
Thanks for the kind words. Do you have books one and two of the T’En trilogy? If you do, you can get book three in the US Imprint via Amazon. It’s called Desperate Alliances. Here’s the link to my web page.
Yes, The Outcast Chronicles is a prequel, but it goes way back. The Imoshen in the T’En trilogy was a descendant of the Imoshen the First who settled Fair Isle. This is her story.
I’m having so much fun revisiting this world and the people! (Hope the readers enjoy it as much!).
Thanks Rowena,
I finally found a copy of Desperate Alliance thats not over $200. I liked the Australian art covers better but I’m so impatient to read whats inside that I’ll get over it. I can’t wait to get stuck into it. Imoshen is a character I can identify with alot (personality-wise obviously) and so I appreciate the story you’ve written. Good luck with the new series, I hope it gets published soon.
Hi Romena
I have to say, i absolutely loved your 1st and 2nd books of T’EN Triology and am yet to get my hands on the 3rd final one here in Australia . Ive only now reading these blogs realised that you have another Triology for the T’EN that explains the before the dawn of times of fair isle and im so excited im bouncing on my seat. I will now start searching for these along with the Desperate Alliances. Looking forward to reading more of your work in the future. Good luck and thank you for a wonderful read.
Hi Amanda,
Lovely to hear from you. I’m so glad you enjoyed books one and two of the original T’En trilogy. My publisher is releasing this trilogy as an omnibus in March 2015, so if you hold on you can get the new edition which includes book three.
Yes there is another T’En trilogy. It is called The Outcast Chronicles. It is set 600 years before the other one. It tells the story of their banishment. Hope you enjoy it, too.
Cheers, Rowena
Hi Wai,
$200 for a copy of Desperate Alliances? I would have sent you one for nothing, if I’d only known!
Am halfway through the clean up of book three of the new series. Have to hand it into the publishers in May. It will be published in July August, September of 2012.
Tell you what, do you write reviews? If you do, I can send you book one comes out.
Cheers, R
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The Chronicles of king Rolen’s Kin. What comes next?
LOL, Graham, if I told you that you wouldn’t have to buy the next trilogy.
Seriously, I’ll be starting work on the new KRK when I hand in The Outcast Chronicles. So it’s brewing on the back burner right now.
Let me know when. I could not put KRK down they were brill thank you.
Thanks, Graham. You’ve made my day!
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Hey Rowena!
Just dusted off my (massive) copy of ‘The Shadow Kingdom’ to read in the lead up to my wedding… I first read ‘The Last T’En’ when i was in something like year 7 and i’ve read it every few years since. The story seems to have a calming effect on me! Super enjoyed the copy of ‘The Kings Bastard’ you sent and hurried out to buy the next two! I think i forgot to write and tell you how much i loved them and want more! STOKED that you are writing Outcast Chronicles – cannot wait! hope you had a relaxing Easter
Hi Alicia,
Good to hear from you!
Do you have a blog where you review books? If so, I could send you a copy of Book One of The Outcast Chronicles when it comes out.
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Definitely excited for the Outcast Chronicles! I absolutely adored KRK (a review for the first book will be posted on The Ranting Dragon website shortly) and found reviewing it a pleasure. I’m certain it will be the same with all your work, as I feel pulled in by the worlds you create.
Your worlds are so rich, and your characters even richer. A good combination.
Great, look forward to the review.
Would you like an advance copy of book one Outcast Chronicles? Tweet me privately to organise it.
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I just finished KRK this morning. I have read like nonstop for about a week! Burned through them and am hungry for more! Thumbs up to intriguing characters and the door wide open to more and more… Thank you! Karyn
PS: Actually I was hoping for another book already out. What of yours do you recommend? Where should I go for more of the KRK feel in your writing? Karyn
Hi Karyn,
Lovely to hear from you. So glad you enjoyed KRK.
I do have an earlier trilogy. When I go to events people still come up to me 10 years later and tell me they loved the series.
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Rowena i enjoyed the krk trilogy so much and i am waiting and anticpating for the 4th book of the krk series
Glad you liked KRK, Fredderick!
I’m 300 pages into the first book of the new KRK trilogy, as of today! Yay!
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I cannot find a copy of this trilogy anywhere!! I wail at the scarcity! I’m desperate; where can I buy them?
Oh, Katie …. you can’t find a copy because the trilogy hasn’t been printed yet. It’s due for release in July, August and September of 2012. I must put that somewhere on this page. I thought I had.
Thank you for you vote of confidence!
Where can I find the previous trilogy? The T’en one.
Sorry, Katie, my mistake. The T’En trilogy is available through AMAZON.
Here’s the link to my web page with links to AMAZON.
I just checked that the first book of the trilogy is $38 secondhand and $109 new. Email me and I’ll see if I can send you a copy of book one for free.
I am *so* hyped for these books, Rowena! I absolutely can’t wait for them. Hopefully they’ll keep me and my two best friends (I got them hooked on KRK!) sated until KRK2! The cover artwork is absolutely beautiful and the story sounds amazing. Thanks for all your hard work!
Happy New Year! I hope you had a great Christmas.
Awww, Hayley, you make getting up at 6am to write worthwhile!
Is the girl on the cover of Besieged the same girl that is in the Game of Thrones as the Dragon Princess?
Hi Alan,
That’s my daughter. I hadn’t seen Game of Thrones when we were putting the cover suggestions together.
Well it is a pretty good movie based up a really good book series. Which I am sure you have heard of. I look forward to reading this series as I enjoyed King Rolen Kin.
Yes, big fan of the series, both the books and the show. Think they did a good job converting the story to TV. Peter Drinklage did a brilliant job of Tyrion!
Hello !
I just finished reading book 1 of KRK and I must say I really loved it ! I was wondering if there was a chance for the trilogy to be published in France ? ‘Cause I would love to share it with the people around me who can’t read english ^^
I’m eagerly-awaiting for your new trilogy, the covers are really amazing.
Best wishes,
Hi Nymeria (What a beautiful name!)
I have no idea if the books will come out in France. That is up to my publisher. It would be lovely if they did.
Thank you for your kinds words about KRK!
Cheers, Rowena
Hi Rowena,
Loved KRK, honestly i read it within two weeks and could not put it down. i’m very excited for the next trilogy in the series. In the mean time i’d like to read some more of your books, if the writing style of KRK is the same in your other series i’m in for a treat. i was wondering though, do I or should I read the Last T’En series before reading the Outcast Chronicles?
Hi Trevor,
No need to read the original trilogy before starting on the Outcast Chronicles.
Thanks for the king words. So glad you enjoyed KRK!
Just an FYI for anyone who pre-orders the Outcast Chronicles on Amazon. They are part of the 4-for-3 promotion. So you can get all 3 books plus another one free+ free shipping since your order will be over $25 if you don’t have prime membership…at least this is all true for those of us in the US. I’m not sure about international.
Can’t wait to read them Rowena!!! I’m still sitting on the edge of my seat for KRK2 but I think these will be a great summer read.
Gee, thanks for letting me know, Sarah!
I’ll blog about it.
Hello Rowena
I am reading the first book in KRK and am really liking it so far. This is the first of your books that i have read and i think your writing style is great and i am looking forward to reading your other series.
Thanks, Jacob. Hope the trilogy keeps you up all night!
Hi Rowena
I was also wondering since the Outcast Chronicles Takes place before the Last T’En should i read that first or since you wrote Last T’En first should i read that. If you already answered this question sorry just wanted to know.
Hi Jacob,
Don’t worry, the Outcast Chronicles can be read without reading the other trilogy.
Wow, you really do your homework!
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Hey, I just wanted to thank you for writting another gripping tale! I havent read the Last Te’n yet but the OC are amazing. I usually dislike books with so many different main characters but all of your characters are so interesting that I never skip them to find out what happened to someone else (something I haven’t done in a long time and In my book this makes you better than GRR Martin!)
I love the way you handled the T’en romantic relationships as well, including both genders together.
Anyways, just thought I had to rave about you somewhere as you and Patrick Rothfuss have tied for best author for me.
Thanks again!
So glad you enjoyed the OC, Bryek. I must admit it was a challenge writing such a complex book, but the people were very real to me.
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Holly Hannah! I just finished the third book in the OC series. Thank you for being an amazing writer! (And please thank your editor as well. I am a voracious reader, and when typos remain after mass publishing they confuse and slow me down! lol Your books were all amazingly clean to read.)
Your development of the characters, the world, the politics, all of it was a pleasure to read. lol, I got the third book yesterday, began it last night, stayed up late to read the first two parts, and finished it just this evening.
I am so pleased to learn there is a continuation of the series, however far into the future it is. I will have to wait a bit to purchase them however, as the prices on Amazon are HIGH! (Any idea why that is?) lol, I will scour the used book stores in my area in the meantime.
Do you plan on ever answering some things these books left off though? (Or does the telling of the T’En story in the future answer them?)
What happens to Imoshen and Ardonyx, Iraayl and Saffi? lol, whatever happened back on the mainland with Jaraillia? The fate of the Malaunje? And what of Sourne’s vision? GRRRR I hate that I love to be left wanting to know so much more of the world a great author has created for readers to enjoy! And you, Ms. Daniells, have created such a world!
Thank you
Hi Jessica,
Your comment made my day!
So glad you enjoyed the OC. I have books planned that follow on from where Sanctuary finishes. We find out what happens to Imoshen and the rest of the team.
The original T’En series has sold out. I’m going to re-release it as I have the rights back. I’ve given the trilogy a name as it never really had one in the past. The Fall of Fair Isle. Here’s the link.
It will be available as e-books and print as soon as I can get this organised.
Meanwhile, I’m flat out writing book four of the King Rolen’s Kin series.
Once again, thank you for your lovely comment!
Cheers, Rowena
So I picked up The Ouscast Chronicals about 2 weeks ago and just finished. Wondering if this will stay a trilogy or if there will eventually be a 4th book. I’d like to read the original T’en series but I’m wary of jumping so far into the furture of the story.
Hi Casey,
I do plan to write more books picking up the story of the outcasts. As for the original trilogy, it is set 600 years in the future, in a different land and hemisphere. Even though the main character is called Imoshen, after her ancestor, it is a very different kind of book. It is more intimate and tells the story of her struggle to deal with Tulkhan the invader from a patriarchal society while rejecting her betrothed, Reothe, for the sake of her people.
I’m going to re-release the books. There was never a name for the trilogy so I’ve called it The Fall of Fair Isle. Here’s the link to it. I hope to have the e-books ready real soon and the print books will follow.
Cheers, Rowena
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Hi Rowena
Just finished these books and they are amazeballs and found out that there are others you written in this world ( which I’ll have to hunt down) but a random question; what would be the rules of the card game they play?
Sorry for the silly question
Regards Nicole
Not a silly question at all, Nicole.
I see the game as being similar to 500. The player can play alone or in teams. The goal is get get enough high ranking cards to form a brotherhood or sisterhood.
The other books in this world are set 600 years in the future. The rights have reverted to me and I’m re-releasing them as e-books and print books. I’ve named the trilogy The Fall of Fair Isle. Here’s the link.
It’s a more intimate tale that starts where most fantasy books finish, after the great battle. It tells of Imoshen (named for her ancestor) the last surviving member of the royal family. She has to work with the invading general to save herself, her people and her way of life. Hers is a matriarchy, his is a patriarchy. It is about gender politics and people trying to do the right thing and falling in love despite their differences. To add to the complications, Imoshen was betrothed to Reothe, the last of the T’En males. She breaks her vows to him, to bond with General Tulkhan. But Reothe doesn’t accept this and leads the rebels in a bid to retake Fair Isle and claim Imoshen.
The first book of the series won Romantic Mainstream Book of the Year (R*BY) in 2000.
I’ll announce it on my blog when I have the books ready.
I’m glad you enjoyed The Outcast Chronicles!
Thank you for writing such amazing books. I am currently in a post-book slump, after finished the Outcast books in a week. Just came to your site hoping to find that you will release more books – so happy that you are planning on more! I’m missing being in that world already, three books are never enough : )
And excited that there are more King Rolen’s Kin books coming too!
So glad you enjoyed the Outcast Chronicles, Azure. Am trying valiantly to finish KRK book 4. Think I should run away to write!
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Really enjoyed the OC. You have a fun way of making a reader desperate to know what happens next, and I burned through the series in a heartbeat. Your take on male/female relationships in the T’En culture is brilliantly crafted and alluring.
I’m so relieved and glad to find out that you’re going to write more books that continue the story of Imoshen, Ardonyx, Iraayel, Saffazi, and Sorne – the last chapter is one of the meanest cliffhangers I’ve ever read.
Any guess as to when you’ll be writing the next book?
Until then, you’ve definitely made a fan out of me, and I’ll be starting the KRK series tomorrow.
Hi Justin,
So glad you enjoyed the OC. I do mean to write more. I have several more books loosely planned out and I find myself sitting at traffic lights, my head in their world worrying about Ronnyn and wonder if Saffazi and Iraayel will ever be together. Writers…
King Rolen’s Kin is much simpler kind of story. It’s traditional fantasy, rollicking fun. I’m working on book 4 right now to resolve the series.
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I claim’stature’ as your biggest fan. I have finished the OC and KRK series can’t wait for more I am experiencing serious withdrawal at the moment. I will hunt down some more of your work but please hurry! I defiantly need more input.
Hi San
It’s such a pity that it takes a writer months to write a book, but a reader can read the book in a couple of days or less!
Glad you enjoyed OC and KRK. Am madly writing KRK book 4.
Cheers, Rowena
I just finished the Outcast Trilogy. I absolutely loved it. The T’En society is amazing and complex.
All the characters constantly seeking happiness in a brutal sexist and racist world. I was on the edge of my seat rooting for my favorite characters, hoping that somehow they might find at least a little happiness at the end.
Just wanted to say thank you for writing those stories.
Lovely to hear from you, Joseph.
And I’m glad you felt for the characters. After all, aren’t we all trying to find a little happiness in s cold cruel world? :->
Hi Rowena! Newbie fan here. I just finished the Outcast Chronicles and I have to say that I haven’t been gripped so strongly by a series in a long while. I bought them all at once and everything else went on the back burner while I was reading them. I absolutely loved the characters (Sorne for the win). Now I just have to see if I can find copies of The Last T’En books…
Also, I have a few questions, but I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone…
Anyway, fantastic job with the Outcast Chronicles!
Tyler, I found your comment first thing this morning. Lovely surprise. And nice to know other people have found these characters and their story as compulsive as I do. I really felt for Sorne.
I’m going through the process of cleaning up and re-releasing the original T’En trilogy. (Now called Fall of Fair Isle, so that people don’t have to go into book stores and try to pronounce T’En). When I have copies ready, I’ll announce it on my blog.
Thank you!
Awesome! Also, I was very happy to read in an above comment that you are planning to expand upon the story of the characters in The Outcast Chronicles. My heart dropped when I read the last line of Sanctuary. I was like “Wait… no! You can’t leave it there!” D:
Yes, I couldn’t resist that.
I have now read everything you’ve written (in the last week thanks to the flu LOL) and you have moved right to the top of the list of my favorite authors. Can’t wait for more! :). Thanks so much for sharing these worlds with us!
Wow, Aspen. This is what happens when you have the ‘flu? You rug-up and read? I curl up on the couch and watch my Comfort-movies of TV shows. My faves are Bewitched (from the 1960s) and the first LOTR movie, when they are living in the shire and when they go to the elves. (Would love to take a holiday in the shire).
I have a new KRK book coming out. It’s an e-book available as of the 6th of Dec. One of the characters everyone thought was dead in the trilogy, survived!
Thanks for commenting. Glad my books were able to distract you from the ‘flu.
I’ve just finished the 3rd Outcast book and I enjoyed all three so very much! I look forward to finding out when the Fair Isle books are re-released as I want to read them too. Your writing is so vivid and gripping! I also can hardly wait to find out what happens to the group with the Sagoras. Very glad I happened upon your work. Now to read the KRK books!
Hi Skitty Kitty (the mind boggles)
Woke up this morning to your comment. Thank you.
Even though I’m 700 pages into KRK 4, I keep finding my mind wandering back into the OC world. I’ll be waiting at traffic lights and I’ll think Ronnyn is going to have a hard time with the summoning gift, can Imoshen really trust Ardonyx, are the Sagoras going to regret taking in the T’En refugees?
Hope you enjoy KRK.
Cheers, R
SkittyKitty was one of the boatload of nicknames for my cat Adelaide. She’s almost 19 and still gives us the dickens. So glad I found your work.
Hi Rowena, is there going to be a book 4 for the outcast chronicles? i haven’t read the other T’en Triology yet, I just ordered to Amazon
so I don’t know if that follows the chronicles or there’s going to be something in the middle…
Hi Lyar,
I’m glad you enjoyed the OC. I do plan to write more books in the series. The original trilogy is set 600 years in the future. I am re-releasing the original trilogy. When I read it I was surprised by how poor the editing was and I’ve cleaned up the line editing. I’d much rather people read the new cleaner version. If you can hold off for a couple of months I’ll have copies with nice new covers, too.
Cheers, Rowena
Good evening Rowena. I just finished reading the Outcast Chronicles and loved them! I cannot wait to buy the rest of your books
I hope you have a long career and I will admit I’m hoping the Outcast Chronicles do not stop at book 3 lol I love all the characters and it would be hard to give them up! Even if it does I am sure I will love whatever you decide to write. Thank you for the hours of enjoyment I’ve had reading your books and the hours I hope to have in the future when I have a chance to buy the others. 
What a very thorough comment, Zach.
I wish I didn’t have to sleep, then I could write more. I wish I could download the stories from my brain so I didn’t have to sit at the computer for hours.
Thank you for your kind words.
Cheers, Rowena
If you or a friend are tech savvy you could try “Dragon NaturallySpeaking.” It’s computer software that cuts down on all the typing.
All you do is talk in the same room as your computer and it dictates, or hit playback on a audio recorder that you carry with you when you have ideas. Not as good as a direct download from the brain but better than nothing. ;)~
Keven J Andersen told me he goes bush walking and talks into a audio-recorder, then his secretary types up his manuscript. I guess it would be a matter of training yourself to speak aloud. At the moment it feels like there is no keyboard between me and the computer and I’m not actually thinking in words, I’m thinking in action and dialogue.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Dear Ms Daniells,
Thank you for a fascinating series. I’m an English academic specializing in Fantasy literature and it’s been such a thrill reading your Outcast Chronicles.
Unfortunately, your books are incredibly difficult to get hold of South Africa, but I will be trying to import them via
Your books had me enthralled! It’s simultaneously been a pleasurable and sorrowful experience immersing myself in your world; sorrowful because I knew that the experience would come to an end.
I was a bit disappointed to see that the reviews inside the cover of ‘Sanctuary’ didn’t pertain to the book and was just wondering whether you would ever need reviewers. If so, I humbly offer my services.
I truly hope you do decide to take up the story after the T’en have found their much sought-after sanctuary. I will be checking on this website periodically for any news!
Thank you for holding high the torch for excellent female fantasy writers (who are, sadly, few and far between).
Wow, Jon, an English Academic from South Africa who specialises in fantasy literature. That must be a very small field, particularly in South Africa. Do you know Dave Freer? He’s a fantasy writer who was based in South Africa until a couple of years ago when he moved to Australia.
I’m glad you enjoyed The Outcast Chronicles. I’m guessing, like me, you’ve read mountains of fantasy and look for something that pushes the genre. This was what I set out to do. I have drafts of further books in this series, which I hope to write. (I’m an academic too, so I juggle my day job with writing).
I would be delighted if you chose to review The Outcast Chronicles. Do you have a review blog, or do you review on Goodreads?
It’s funny you should say there are few female fantasy writers because I’ve come across this perception in the US and the UK. Here, in Australia, most of our fantasy writers are female. After the Australian World Con in 2010 I began interviewing female fantasy writers for my blog. It has morphed into interesting people in speculative fiction, now. But there are a lot of wonderful female fantasy authors on the list.
Here’s the link.
Thanks for commenting!
Rowena Cory Daniells,
I saw the Outcast Chronicles at my local book store and thought why not, it looked and seemed like it was worth spending 30$ on. I have spent the last month addicted to this amazing series, with many a last minute school project and many sleepless nights, and consider every minute of that worth while.
I sincerely hope you continue on where you left off in Sanctuary, some day. Now that i know your earlier work takes place in the same world, i can not wait to get my hands on that series and repeat the steps from above. I will still keep my fingers crossed, that you are not done with that time period yet though. Thank you so much and congrates on such a well written series.
Keep up the creativity,
Hi Neil,
Sorry my books kept your from your studies.
The earlier trilogy will be re-released this year. But in the mean time there is always King Rolen’s kin, which is a rollicking read!
Cheers, Rowena
PS. I have some great ideas for the Outcast Chronicles story to continue on. It is just a matter of juggling my day job with writing.
Hi Rowena,
I am your newest fan! I have been reading fantasy and collecting fantasy books for years and your books just absolutely blow me away! The characters, plot and intrigue have me ditching sleep at this stage.
I would like to say thank you! You just made reading a pleasure for me again.
I just have one question – Why does the desperate alliance book cost so much? I love having brand new copies and holding on to them for years but i cant find anything reasonably priced, amazon gave me a heart attack with a price tag of $500.
But either way – i absolutely love your work!
Thank you once again
Hi Bharkha,
Don’t spend $500 for a book! I have the rights back on my original trilogy and I’ll be releasing it as soon as I finish writing KRK book 4.
The Fall of Fair Isle (as the trilogy is now called) will be available for a reasonable price. Not sure how much yet, I have to do the maths.
I’m so glad you enjoyed reading the Outcast Chronicles. It means a lot to me.
I’ll do a post on my blog when the original trilogy becomes available.
Cheers, Rowena
Dear Rowena,
In the last three weeks, I’ve read the KRK series as well as the Outcast Chronicles. I just finished Sanctuary (about 5 minutes ago!) and I loved it.
I can’t find mention of an upcoming fourth book for the OC anywhere online…there will be a fourth book, right? Please say yes
The character development in you books is amazing – they really stand out, and with the amount of fantasy / SciFi I’ve read, this speaks volumes.
You’ve really brought new life into the genre. I’m looking forward to reading your next release!
Best Wishes,
Hi Brooke,
Lovely to hear from you. I’m a big reader of the spec fic genre from way back, so I was looking to push the genre with the Outcast Chronicles. Glad you enjoyed them. I do have several more books in this series plotted out and some of them have been written in rough draft.
At the moment I’m finishing book 4 of KRK. (Should be working on it right now, but I just thought I’d check my emails).
Thanks for commenting.
Cheers, Rowena
Hi Rowena
Just started the Outcast Chronicles and I have confusion: are these a follow on from others of your works? Or is it just me? I’m only a few chapters in to book 1, and I get the feeling like I’ve started halfway through something.
Still enjoying them though, thanks.
Cheers, Chris.
Hi Chris,
The Outcast Chronicles is a prequel to my original trilogy, The Fall of Fair Isle. It’s set 600 years before so there’s not much in the way of spoilers. With the OC, I was trying to tell a big tale on a large canvas, so it skips forward to cover a period of 30 years. Hopefully, it will all make sense. :-> Books to and three settle down and tell their story over much shorter time frames.
Hi Rowena,
Thanks very much for the info. I’ll look out for The Fall of Fair Isle series… although going by, it looks like they’re out of print here. Still reading and enjoying the OC.
Cheers, Chris.
Hi Chris,
I’m in the process of reprinting the original trilogy. I have the rights back so I can do this. It’s been a challenge adding it to my already long list of ‘Things That Must Be Done’. But I hope to have it released by the end of this year.
Cheers, R
Dear Ms Daniells,
first I’d like to thank you for your amazing books. I picked up the first book of “The Fall of Fair Isle” trilogy when I was 12, and loved it immediately. After that it toke me some time to get the last two books (they were kind of hard to get in Germany after a few years) and I loved them like the first. And now 12 years after I finished this first book, I found the outcast chronicles. I got them all in English this time
and well I literally inhaled them. They are amazingly well written. The characters you designed and the world you created are nothing short of fantastic!!!
And I really hope that you’ll decide to write more of the OC books. Because to me there is still so much left unsaid between the end of Sanctuary and the landing on the Fair Isle (like it was hinted on in “The Fall of Fair Isle” trilogy).
I’m looking forward to reading your next book!
Best Wishes,
Hi Maja,
Wow, you found the original trilogy in its German edition, then read the OC trilogy in English 12 years later. I can’t speak a second language so I’m impressed.
Thank you for your kind words about the world and characters of the Outcast Chronicles. With the T’En I wanted to create a society that was as rigorously constructed as an alien society that a science fiction writer would write. The challenge with this is to make the individuals of the invented society accessible to the reader. I’m glad you enjoyed the books.
At the moment I am cleaning up book four of the Fall of Fair Isle. I wrote it 11 years ago and then my publisher closed down the line and the editor moved on and I put it aside because no publisher wants books four of another publisher’s series. Now that I have the rights back to the FoF trilogy I’ve cleaned up some clumsy phrases and I’ve been going through book four. It was a first draft and needed some tweaking.
My goal is to reprint the original trilogy with book four but I may just release them as e-books first to see if there is the interest.
Once again, lovely to hear from you!
Cheers, Rowena
Dear Rowena,
Thanks for your quick reply!
I’m glad my message wasn’t complete gibberish. It’s been a while since I’ve written something in English…
These are fantastic news!!
I’d love to read more about the relationship between Imoshen, Tulkan and Reothe, the kingdom they are trying to build and how they’ll manage that with the fragile trust between them. So if there’s a chance to access this book from Germany I’ll definitely read it!
Best Wishes,
I’ll announce it on the blog when the books are going to be released, Maja.
Thanks for your enthusiasm.
Cheers, Rowena
I started the first book almost a month ago and now done with all three and I actually felt sad when I finished the last one while flying this morn. Really looking forward to the next. Thank you and well done
Lovely to hear from you, Denise. And I love the way you put it. I feel a bit sad when I finish writing a book. I’ve spent so much time with the characters they’ve become my friends and once the book is complete, I miss them. We writers are funny people.
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I read through KRK and am excited to download the 4th to my Kindle. After I finished the first 3, I picked up Outcast and just loved them. While I understand the ending and appreciate it…I am not done with those characters! I searched all over the internet to see if any more installments were scheduled, before finding that they were a far-distant prequel.
I respect the hard line, write 3 and stop, but I just wanted to let you know that I would very much enjoy reading more about the days following the T’En’s landing. I grew to love those characters, and have been playing over their lines in my head since I finished the last book. I do not have an issue with the ending…I just wish I could read more about how they all grew next.
Also, just in general, please keep writing. You are a great author, and I appreciate what you do. I hope you release many more books in the coming years.
Thank you so much, Stephen. I must admit the fate of the OC characters plays over in my mind. I have outlines and drafts of more books sitting on the hard drive of my computer. The challenge is finding the time to write them. What with work, adult children living at home and studying, and elderly parents I find myself running from one thing to the next.
I must admit I dream of running away to write.
I just finished book 3 of the outcast chronicles (I read all 3 in less than a week, they were so amazing! ) I am dying to know if there will be more in the series? I have king rolens kin but am confused as to where it fits. I didn’t realize you had other books that fit and would love to find and read them all!
Hi Melanie,
Lovely to hear from you. KRK is set on another world from the OC but there is another trilogy in the OC line. It’s called Fall of Fair Isle and is set 600 years in the future. Solaris will be releasing it as an omnibus in 2014.
I do have plans for my OC books. It is just a matter of finding the time to write them.
Cheers, Rowena
I just like to say how much I’m enjoying all your books. The cover art is what first attracted me to your Outcast series, they are beautiful! Unfortunately I have a big problem, the used copy of exile that I have brought and excitedly started reading has pages 48 to 96 is missing. I have emailed Solaris but have heard nothing back
is there any way I can get those missing pages? Otherwise I will need to try and read them in a bookshop without anyone noticing ;). In the meanwhile I’m reading your KRK series which is also great!
Hi Ellen,
Lovely to hear from you.
That faulty copy of Exile must be one of the first printing. They recalled the books, but that one must have slipped past.
I’ll send you a signed copy. What’s your address?
Cheers, Rowena
Just got the books today! Thank you so much! It really made my day, now I have a whole signed set! So happy
you’re the best! X
You’re welcome, Ellen. Sorry about the brain fizz.
I just finished Sanctuary, and let me say I am extremely impressed. I loved the Chronicles of King Rolen’s Kin so much that I immediately bought The Outcast Chronicles; however, I was wondering if you were writing a fourth book for The Outcast Chronicles or if the story was just a cliffhanger until the Fall of Fair Isle series was re-released?
I am a HUGE fan of your work; you are a brilliant story teller, and your magic structures are refreshingly original. You always keep me guessing what will happen next! I wish all the best for your career and look forward to reading more of your work.
Awww, thank you Jonathan. I do have plans for more Outcast Chronicles. The problem is work and family and actually spending some time with my long suffering husband. Today I got up at 4am and wrote for 6 hours, then realised I hadn’t eaten.
Cheers, Rowena
We all appreciate your hard work! Have a wonderful holiday season
Thanks, J.
Same to you. may you read lots of wonderful books that sweep you away to magical places!
Hello!! I picked up Besieged on a whim, honestly the cover art grabbed my soul. I am hooked. Your writing is a very intricate web, and is very easy to get caught in!
So a quick question just for clarifications, Sanctuary is the last book of the Outcast Chronicles, and they are the precursors to the Fall of Far Isle, Correct?
Hi Tina,
Lovely to hear from you. That’s my eldest daughter on the cover. She’s a jazz singer and a brunette in real life.
So glad you’re enjoying the OC. Yes, Fall of Fair Isle is set 600 years in the future and follows the course of Imoshen, who is named after the Imoshen in the OC books.
I do have plans for further books to carry on the story of the characters in the OC series. I’m not getting as many hours at work this year, so I’ll be doing more writing.
Cheers, Rowena
I am glad you are continuing the Outcast Chronicles. It was a huge cliff hanger after Sanctuary. I am looking forward to seeing the queen kick some ass!!
Thanks, Tina of the Dashing Hairstyles!
I just finished reading the final book of the Outcast Chronicles and it is by far the best series I have ever laid eyes on! It was so complex and exciting I could barely put it down. I read two books in less than a week with a busy school schedule and everything else life throws at you! The ending to me left me frustrated though because almost nothing was fully settled! You are left with so many questions that it’ll drive you mad! I feel close to tears thinking I won’t know what Sorne’s final vision was, or how Hueryx will react to the abuse to Vella and Itania, or even the mystery of the Sagora and their Sensitives!
LOL, Afsonae. At least they found sanctuary! Cheers, Rowena
I just finished sanctuary and as I said before for the KRK series you are an amazing writer I honestly don´t know where you get such interesting ideas and plots and everything but as somebody that love to read it is a pleasure to be engulfed in your work. That said, I really feel that the book has ended in a “too big to be a true end” cliff hanger. I know I said this for the KRK as well but pleas continue ate least until we get some kind of closure for lack of a better word, (or maybe I am just naive and the way writers now works is to let the books have always an open ending, leaving more room for fantasy…)
Thank you again for wonder reads and for keeping awake until ungodly hours on “school night” :).
Hi Eleni,
Glad you enjoyed the OC. Hopefully will be able to get back to this series. I have plans for these characters.
Cheers, R
I just finished book three of krk. All amazing books. It was chance I stumbled across the Kings Bastard but I’m glad I did. I’m on my way to go order king breaker through my local bookstore. I think I will also have them order the Outcast Chronicles as well. Thanks for the wonderful books and I wish you success in writing many more
Thanks Nick. Lovely to hear from you. Made my day!
I just finished reading the Outcast Trilogy… Please tell me there will be more about Imoshen, Sorne, and the rest! I relate so much to the characters, and they have captured my heart. Honestly, I am distraught that I can’t find a fourth book! I enjoyed the story of Byron and Piro as well, but Imoshen took my heart and soul for a much larger ride. Their story is a much more in depth, and heart wrenching and captivating one. One I think we all relate to on one level or another. A few people changing the way a whole group/race think! Just to think of it! I love the message of sometimes it just takes one person with a vision to change the world. It’s so true, and so sad we don’t have more like her in the real world! I hope her and her bond partner can eventually be open and have their bond in front of everyone. It’s a story that brings hope, when all has gone corrupt. The few trying to change and make their people more! More than they are, as they could be! It should be every humans aspiration, to be more than they are and to bring others to strive for more as well. Your story I suspect is more than it seems. It’s the struggle of the good hearted against the “stature” seeking and conniving of those less pure. (Something I think all humans can relate to.) Keep writing! I love your stories. I admire you greatly. I am in the process of writing my own story. Maybe one day you will get a chance to read mine as well.
Wow thank you for such an insightful and positive comment. Made my day, Ali. Will email you privately.
Cheers, Rowena
Are you going to be making a fourth book in the outcast series? I really loved these book!
Hi Kayla,
So glad you enjoyed the OC. I do have plans for a fourth book. The challenge is finding the time to write it. :->
Cheers, Rowena
Hello there,
I just finished reading the Outcast Chronicals for the second time and enjoyed them as much this go around as the first! I was wondering if you were planning on writing a fourth book in the series? I am so in love with the characters, I want to know more about what happens because when it left off their fate was still uncertain. I just discovered the Fair Isle series and am very excited to get started with that and perhaps it will answer some of my questions from the outcast Chronicals.
I just want you to know I think your writing is brilliant and it sucks me right in. I look forward to reading more of your work!
Thanks much,
I just read the above comment, I’m glad you have plans for a new book!
I just read the comment above mine sorry to repeat the question! I’m glad you have plans to continue the series!
LOL, Charlotte. I should send your comments to my publishers.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m glad you enjoyed the OC. I was lying awake last night thinking about the characters and the plans I have for them.
Cheers, Rowena
Id really like to know if there will be more to the outcast chronicles like if sorne and frayvia have a child and how the set up there city and stuff id like go know how imoshen and her child grow up and what was sornes vision at the end was. I would just like to say that I had a very hard time putting down your books I hope it gsts continued
Can not wait till I can get the last t’en trilogy
Hi David,
So glad you enjoyed the Outcast Chronicles. It was always lovely to hear from you.
I do have plans for more stories about Imoshen and the others. The challenge is finding time to write them.
The Fall of Fair Isle is set 600 years later and will be released as an omnibus ( 3 books in one) in March of 2015.
Cheers, Rowena
I was just wondering hpw long it took you towrite the outcast chronicles
Hi David,
that’s a complicated question. I wrote the original trilogy, which is set 600 years after The Outcast Chronicles (being republished as an omnibus March 2015) way back between 1999 and 2002. After this I wrote a prequel because I wanted to know what had driven the T’En out of their homeland. Then I completely rewrote what became The Outcast Chronicles in 2012, just before it came out.
The problem was simplifying the story to fit into a trilogy.
Cheers, Rowena
Can u say what vision sorne had in the last book of outcast chronicles in the end or is it a secret
Aw, David. It’s a secret. Sorry. :->
How would u respond if someone asked u if they could make movies out of your books
Having your books turned into a TV series or a movie is the Holy Grail for writers. We dream about it, Sam. We all aspire to be like George R Martin. :->
Who are the people on the covers of the outcast chronicles like which character
Hi Dave,
We set up photo shoots for the covers. The only important person who doesn’t appear is Sorne. I have an image for him here:
Book on is Imoshen. My daughter Raphael modeled for that one.
Book two is Ronnin and Avarelle. My son and his girlfriend.
Book three is Tobazim. Anther of my sons but the artist used his own face.
If you look at all my covers you’ll see he appears on several of them. Book one of the King Rolen’s Kin series and !twice! on the Fall of Fair Isle cover. LOL
Cheers, Rowena
Have you ever done a book signing in the U.S or r u going to
Hi Dave,
I’ll be at comic con in Brisbane, Australia this coming weekend. I did World SF Con in Glasgow in 2005, and I’ve done the 1985, 1999 and 2010 World Cons in Australia.
One day I’d like to get to the US for a major conference. I’ve had my eye on World Fantasy and Dragon Con. Of course, to do that I’d have to actually make money out of my writing. Even though my publishers call my books Best Sellers (and they are by the standards that publishers use), I don’t make much money.
The time I went to Glasgow I was lucky enough to get a Professional Development Grant.
Still you never know. :->
Cheers, R
I really hope you can so I cant get my books signed lol
So I can get my bookd signed
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I stumbled onto Besieged by accident, i didn’t know it was part of a prequel!
i really enjoy the characters, and ordered exile and sanctuary. I guess i know what’s next to read if i can get my hands on the t’en serie 
PS: there are no bookstores in Belgium that sell these, i’m going to have to look online and perhaps secondhand. I see the store is still under development, but is there any way to get my hands on one through here/you? I’d prefer knowing you get paid for your fantastic work than buy the books through the secondhand.
Hi Patti,
Yes, I haven’t finished putting together a store on my site. It is very hard to get the original trilogy, which is why my publishers are releasing it as an omnibus in March 2015. If you hold on util then you can get all three books in one.
So glad you have enjoyed The Outcast Chronicles.
Cheers, Rowena
First I must say I have found another author that I can put on my to follow list for upcoming titles.
I have truly enjoyed the weaving of the tale and the interplay with all the characters . I, like so many others have just finished the Outcast Chronicles. But like so many others am now desperately waiting to find out what happens to Sorne and Frayvia, Imoshen and Ardonyx, Iraayel and Saffazi and all the rest of the cast. Do you have an estimate on the continuation of this series? Please say yes………….LOL
Hi Loree, Lovely to hear from you. I do have more books planned out in rough draft. It is a matter of finding the time to finish the next one.
Thanks for dropping by to comment. Cheers, Rowena
Pingback: Review: Besieged by Rowena Cory Daniells | Author, editor, caffeine-addict, wannabe ninja
It was by accident that i found the outcast chronicles. I haven’t finished besieged yet and im already in love with the t’en universe! What are the t’en related books in order? Is it okay that i start with the outcast chronicles? Thank you for creating this world of fantasy! I love it!
Lovely to hear from you Levi and I’m glad you find the world of the T’En as compelling as I do.
The other trilogy is The Fall of Fair Isle which has just come out. It is set 600 years later, so it can be read separately from The Outcast Chronicles. Fall of Fair Isle is a more intimate story with a smaller cast of characters.
Thanks for commenting, I really appreciate the feedback.
Cheers, Rowena
I’ve just finished the OC. I had bought Besieged years ago but it sat on my bookshelf unread until a week ago. I burned through all three books in about 10 days. I was very disappointed that Valendia’s character was nearly completely dropped from the last half of Sanctuary. I was hoping for just the tinsiest bit more from the ending – it seemed to allude to how everything wrapped up but I wanted to see all the loose ends tied completely. Ohh well, it’s not my story, it’s yours. Very well written, very much enjoyed. Looking forward to starting the Fall of Fair Isle.
Hi Andrew,
Glad you enjoyed OC. I like to leave myself a bit of wriggle room at the end of a series so that I can come back to the characters in future.
Fall of Fair Isle is a more intimate story, set 600 years later. Hope you enjoy it, too.
Cheers, Rowena
Absolutely – I’m putting you down as one of my favorite authors. Right up there with Patrick Rothfuss, Terry Goodkind and Carrie Vaughn.
Honoured to be in such fine company, Andrew!
Hello. I have just read the Outcast Chronicles and would love to reads the Last T’en series, however, I am having trouble finding it. Is it not being published anymore?
Let me know
Thank you
Hi Corinne,
Lovely to hear from you. I’m glad you enjoyed the Outcast Chronicles.
My original trilogy, The Last T’En, has been republished as an omnibus with the title, The Fall of Fair Isle. It was released this year and is available here.
Hope you like it. Cheers, Rowena
Dear Rowena.
First of all: Hi from Germany!
Once upon a time I started reading fantasy books in the original English to further my understanding because I was failing English in school. Today I own about 400 of those books and do not touch the translations any more. Why? Well…
I want to tell you a little funny story concerning your books. While I am not really a fan of the much simpler KRK (although I read them all, because I always need to know what happens to the characters once I start), I just loved The Outcast Chronicles and have reread them many times since I bought them for my Kindle. But one thing struck me as odd from the beginning: Imoshen… T’En… sounded familiar but I just couldn’t place it. Then five month ago we cleaned my mother’s basement and suddenly I had these books in my hand with the name Cory Daniells on them. Turns out I own the now named Fall Of Fair Isles books in their German translation since around 2003 when I was 16. And reading the first few pages right there in the basement, I remembered that I had bought the pack on a special offer during a boring three week vacation with my parents … and that I had really hated reading these books. At this point you and your fans will cry out, but please hold on just a little longer. Because the books are actually very good… in the original English language in which I now proudly own them for my ebook reader. Bad is only the German translation. Really, it is so bad, that you want to throw the books at the nearest wall. How can an even minimally invested person suck all the dynamic development out of a book? How can he or she make the multifaceted characters seem so lame? So you see. While this is the direst case of good books “lost in translation” so far, I encountered this with every one of my favorite previously German books once I bought the original.
So why did I write all this? Just to tell you that you are an awesome writer and that I can’t wait for the next books following the characters from The Outcast Chronicles. But also to tell you: If you sell your books for translation please please please find someone really dedicated the next time. Readers around the world should not have to dislike the butchered translation when the original is this good.
Now I have just this one question: How long will you make me (or us) wait for the next books?
Hi Nina, Waving from Australia.
Wow, your comment was so packed with information, I had to read it twice.
We poor authors have no say over who does the translation of our works. We have to trust that the foreign publisher knows a good translator. Finding the old copies of my books in your mother’s basement must have been like an archaeological dig.
I’m glad you enjoyed the Outcast Chronicles and managed to find the English version of my Fall of Fair Isle trilogy that was translated so poorly and spoiled your 2003 holiday.
I do have a T’En story in the latest David Gemmell tribute anthology.
And I do have more T’En books in very rough draft. The challenge has been to find the time to get back to them. So many ideas, so little time to write. :->
Once again, thank you for contacting me.
Cheers, Rowena
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Hi. Your trilogy of the Outcast Chronicles have gone through the entire family and the way it ended tells me there is much more to come. Please help me by telling me the next set that would follow on from this. Many thanks
Hi Linda, so glad you enjoyed the trilogy. I do have more of this series roughed out but not finished.
There is a trilogy published as an omnibus set 600 years in the future. The Fall of Fair Isle might keep you occupied. It is a more intimate tale but still concerns the T’En and one of Imoshen’s descendants. Cheers Rowena
hello there,
I was in love and want more when i finished it. So i searched for more and found the outcast series. I must say i loved this world but after just the first chapter of Besieged , I found it impossible to put the book down ! Honestly best opening I have ever read. It literally hooked me with all the emotions I felt within the first few pages. I could not believe I could love it more! Needless to say your works are hidden gems and close to impossible to find . It took me a while but I got the next two books and barely slept reading them ! I love how beautifully every character is modeled . Im hoping you come out with the next book soon ! Until then ill keep checking . godspeed and good health may you finish it soon <3 also thanks for sharing this work
i just wanted to tell you how much i love these stories ! i happened upon the fall of fair isle one day at Barnes and Noble never hearing of it or of any other works by you. As luck might have it I found the description up my alley ! I found myself lost in this world you created. Wondering as Imoshen was, what was going on , lol
Hi Krystal,
Wow, you made my day. Lovely to hear from you.
There is a T’En story in the David Gemmell Legends Two anthology. This story has been shortlisted for the Aurealis Awards Fantasy short story section. Blush.
Very chuffed.
Thank you for dropping by.
Cheers Rowena
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Hi Rowena,
I am a huge fan of you and the Outcast Chronicles! The last book was left on a bit of a cliff hanger that hinted at another book. Will there be more to the Outcast Chronicles?
Many thanks,
Hi Ellie, lovely to hear from you. I do have rough drafts that take this story further. For the present there is a T’En story in Legends Two, the Gemmell Tribute anthology. Hope this helps. Cheers Rowena
Just stumbled across this series in my local library and I cannot believe how quickly I’ve read them. I haven’t enjoyed reading something this much in a very long time!! Thank you for creating such an amazing series and I hope to see more of these amazing characters in the future. In the meantime I just bought The Fall of Fair Isle on my Kindle
Hi In oven, lovely to hear from you. Hope you enjoy the Fall of Fair Isle. Cheers Rowena
For fear of finding just another generic fantasy novel I hadn’t read any fantasy novels in ages. So, I litterally closed my eyes and grabbed a book off the shelf at random and purchased it, circumventing any protest that damnable voice in my head could muster. It ended up being book 1 of the Outcast Chronicles, Besieged. I had to wait a while for the next couple, but after book three came to an end I had quite a few thoughts.
I recognise that in a state of fear the Mieren would turn on brothers and sisters showing any evidence of having a half-blood child, but they were so demonized that the passages with Eskarnor I just glossed over as uninteresing when side by side with the complex and colorful inner workings of the T’en culture.
Also, it seems most readers have forgotten all about an important character that did something miraculous in their culture and was never mentioned afterward in Sanctuary, Valendia, the Malaunje who chose to live.
Then, upon discovering the potential nature of the beasts on the empyrean plane Imoshen didn’t mention the information to anyone. Sure they were just recovering from battle and at sea . . . but not even a peep?
Anyway, I am exited to continue to explore this wonderful and well thought out world you have created in your novels. I will most likely look into The Fall of the Fair Isle, but I don’t know about the KRK series. After the culture of the T’en the ways of kings and men seem uninteresting . . . .
Hi Justin,
Like you I have read so much fantasy it is hard to find anything that challenges me. Your points are good and I will review the passages and keep them in mind. (I was worried that the OC series would be too obscure for most readers. The depth and complexity of T’En culture meant readers had to assimilate the rules to understand why people were doing things. And this was challenging to write while driving the narrative forward.
The Fall of Fair Isle and the KRK series are both more accessible for the general reader and may disappoint you.
I do have a T’En story in the David Gemmell Legends 2 tribute anthology. The Giant’s Lady, won the Aurealis Award for a fantasy short story this year. I suspect you would enjoy it.
Thank you for your feedback.
Cheers Rowena
I think I read somewhere that this series was originally supposed to have a fourth book, but the publisher didn’t something something . . . .
That aside do you plan on revisiting the world/setting with a similar level of challenge as this series? With this new wave of interest coming off of the Song of Fire and Ice series it seems to reveal an appreciation for stories with that scale of complexity. Has that been in your experience as well lately?
Hi Justin,
I would like to revisit the T’En world and Imoshen and Sorne. I do have a rough draft written but it needs work. Every now and then I go into the world in my head and see what the characters are doing. (Writers are weird like that).
At the moment I’m working on two other projects which I have to complete before I can come back to the T’En.
I think the Lord of the Rings movies and the Game of Thrones TV series have done for fantasy, what the Stars Wars did for science fiction in the seventies. The genre is now completely mainstream but I don’t know that this translates to people reading books. I hope so. There are so many terrific writers out there for readers to discover.
Cheers Rowena
I know my comment is pretty far belated in the grand scheme of things, but I just have to say I would absolutely love to read more in regards to Imoshen and Sorne.
The end of Sanctuary REALLY sets things up nicely for there to be another book (all the loose threads! weeps), and it would be such a shame to not find out what happens hahah.
That said, I’m very very much adoring your style of writing, and am so glad I stumbled upon your work whilst browsing aimlessly on ThriftBooks~~~
Hi Savah
Lovely to hear from you and thank you for your kind words regarding the Outcast Chronicles. One day I would love to get back to these characters. I already have books roughed out and keep revisiting scenes in my head.
I’ve been attempting to craft a fanfiction based in your world in preperation for NaNoWriMo, but it’s proved challenging. I had to go reread several passages in the book to make sure I am sticking to the rules of the world. Names of both people and places being some of the most challenging. Plus the only other populations that likely exist would be the free malaunje city and any slaves of the sea bandits. At least in the OC timeline anyway.
I must say that your way of writing is an awe inspiring experince that I’ve seen too many aurthors try and fail at where you’ve succeded.
I, by chance like so many others, found your besieged book hiddin away in an old book store and couldn’t help myself from buying it on the spot.
I did have a question though. Compairing this fiction to our world, i find the relations among characters to be most intriguing.
You seem to have males whom look like girls and vice-versa, and characters whom seem to have no mind to same-sex relations.
So if I might ask, in your T’en series just what is the ideology of sexual orientation? It seems like how Star-Fire of the Teen Titans comics has no reguard for gender and simply acts on how she feels.
I must also admit for the longest time I’d believed that Sorne was Imoshen on the first cover. Not sure how since his hair should have been a dead giveaway. Lol.
Hi Belial,
Lovely to hear from you. As to the sexual orientation of the characters, it’s based on their society which is very different from our current one. There have been times in history when attitudes have been very different from what they are now.
There is a ‘photo inspiration’ of Sorne on the blog here.
Cheers, Rowena
Hi Rowena!
I first read the fair isle trilogy in my teens, and just this last few weeks discovered the story of Imoshen the First.
Please write more of this story! How do the T’En get to Fair Isle?
How does she codify the laws and write the works referred to in the Fall of Fair Isle?
I’m so fascinated by the links between the two trilogy’s.
Hi Caitlin
So nice to hear from you. When my life settles down I would love to get back to this world and write the linking books.
Thank you for your positive feedback.
Cheers Rowena
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Hello Rowena
I have just finished the KRK Chronicles and LOVED it. Plan to go on and start your other series now.
I was wondering if we will be hearing anything else from the KRK characters? Would love to hear more about what is happening to some of my faves. My imaginations has been running wild with the possibilities.
Thank you for sharing your work.
Hi Moana
Lovely to hear from you.
So glad you enjoyed KRK books. I have written another two books in this series, which I must get around to publishing. I love these characters too and I feel like I owe it to them to set the next two books free into the world, where readers can find out what happens to them.
Cheers, Rowena