All about the ROR Writing Group


Eager for professional development and feedback on their works-in-progress, Brisbane based writers, Marianne and Rowena created ROR, wRiters on the Rise.
While there are plenty of opportunies for beginning writers to learn their craft, the emerging writer has less chance, especially if their field is speculative fiction. Marianne and Rowena were delighted to get expressions of interest from Margo, Maxine and Tansy.
On the last weekend in October 2001 they met at Montville where they spent the weekend working intensively on their manuscripts. Over the years they were joined by Trent, Richard and Launz (Dirk Flinthart).

Marianne de Pierres (ROR Founder) Forged in Steel

(Also writes as Marianne Delacourt and this is where Marianne Burns Bright)

Margo Lanagan Still waters run deep

Maxine McArthur Prefers Horses to People

Rowena Cory Daniells (ROR Founder) Never say Die

(Rowena also writes crime with a touch of paranormal as RC Daniells)

Bottom Row

Tansy Rayner Roberts Sharp but Sweet

(Tansy also writes crime as Livia Day)

Richard Harland Beware the Dark Side

Dirk Flinthart The Green Man of Myth

Trent Jamieson A True Romantic


ROR Maleny 2001


Varuna in 2003, Trent joined the ROR team.


Richard joined for a mini-ROR held at Canberra’s Conflux Natcon in 2004 and ROR met in Sydney in 2005.


Launz joined the team for Tassie ROR, 2007.


ROR Maleny 2009.


ROR World Con in Melbourne, 2010. (No photos) But there is this one from a Sydney Freecon.



ROR Tasmania 2012



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